This year, we presented the Friends of the Waikiki Aquarium Annual Meeting in a virtual format. Should you have any questions or concerns after watching the presentation, please complete the contact form.

Following the Annual Meeting, we held our virtual Distinguished Lecture Series “Understanding Coastal Marine Ecosystems” live on Zoom. The presentation and Q&A featured Dr. Emmett Duffy and Dr. Mary Hagedorn of the Smithsonian’s Marine GEO Project.

About MarineGEO and DLS Presentation:

Directed by the Smithsonian’s Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network (TMON), the Marine Global Earth Observatory (MarineGEO) is a global network of partners focused on understanding how coastal marine ecosystems work—and how to keep them working. MarineGEO focuses on biodiversity as the heart of healthy, productive ecosystems and coastal regions, where marine life and people are concentrated and interact most. MarineGEO marshals the Smithsonian’s leadership in discovery and convening power to advance frontiers in knowledge and provide it to policymakers to support innovative management and protection of our oceans. In 2017, MarineGEO conducted a study in Kāneʻohe Bay. Drs. Duffy and Hagedorn will share what they found and how it fits with other marine ecosystems around the planet.