Support Our Work
There are so many ways to support the Friends of the Waikīkī Aquarium. In addition to the many benefits of membership, you can also enjoy the meaningful reward of playing a part in fulfilling the Waikīkī Aquarium’s mission to inspire and promote understanding, appreciation and conservation of Pacific marine life.
Support Our Work
There are so many ways to support the Friends of the Waikīkī Aquarium. In addition to the many benefits of membership, you can also enjoy the meaningful reward of playing a part in fulfilling the Waikīkī Aquarium’s mission to inspire and promote understanding, appreciation and conservation of Pacific marine life.
Huki Up!
In ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, huki is translated as, “to pull or tug; to draw, stretch, or reach; to support.” Inspired by the concept of huki, we invite you to upgrade your FOWA membership with our new Huki Up campaign. Please consider rounding up your membership fee to include a donation to the Friends of the Waikīkī Aquarium. When you opt to “huki up” at a value of $25 or more, you’ll receive a limited-edition FOWA logo item. Membership dues benefit the Aquarium through programming, exhibit updates and so much more.
Logo Item: FOWA Dry Bag
Become a Sponsor
Become a donor or a sponsor: You can make a donation to FOWA at any time, or you can become a sponsor of Members’ Night, our website and publications, or other events and programs.
Most sponsorships include donor recognition packages to promote your organization. For more info, contact

Recent Initiatives
Opening of the Living Reef Exhibit, which was funded almost entirely by FOWA. Dedicated to the late Dr. Ruth Gates, the Living Reef Exhibit showcases the beauty and diversity of both soft and stony corals. It includes 12 wall tanks featuring representative coral species from throughout the South Pacific.
The exhibit incorporates a highly advanced life support system that uses energy-efficient LED lights as well as the Aquarium’s first water-to-water heat exchanger. An interactive kiosk offers detailed information on coral ecology and physiology, marine ecosystems, and much more.
Purchase and installation of shade umbrellas. The new umbrellas offer much-needed shade for our hardworking volunteers who provide educational outreach at the Edge of the Reef and Monk Seal exhibits.
Production of Ke Kani O Ke Kai, our popular summer concert series featuring live local entertainment under the stars. The 2019 lineup included some of Hawaiʻi’s top performers, including Grammy winner Kalani Peʻa, slack key guitar masters George Kahumoku and Kawika Kahiapo, Nā Hōkū Hanohano award winner Josh Tatofi, Streetlight Cadence, and much more. We saw a significant increase in 2019 revenues year over year, in thanks to our generous sponsors and attendees.
Continuation of the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS). In November 2020, we held our virtual Distinguished Lecture Series “Understanding Coastal Marine Ecosystems” live on Zoom. The presentation and Q&A featured Dr. Emmett Duffy and Dr. Mary Hagedorn of the Smithsonian’s Marine GEO Project.
Celebration of our members at Members’ Night! The event included live entertainment by Uncle Wayne and the Howling Dog Band, hands-on activities by the Waikīkī Aquarium and the Department of Facility Maintenance Storm Water Quality Branch and Outrigger Hotels & Resorts, and food for purchase by Simply Ono and Banán. Mahalo to our Members’ Night sponsors, as well as the over 170 people who joined us for the celebration!